Bear Mountain Trails Project

The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference is rebuilding the Appalachian Trail over Bear Mountain in NY state. This blog will help keep our volunteers and members informed on the work being completed!

Monday, October 30, 2006


This weekend, you probably noticed the large amount of rain. Us here on the Bear Mountain Trails Project don't seem to shy away from a little bit of (ok a lot of) water. Friday and Sunday were both wonderful, if only a bit brisk, but Saturday was windy and rainy. There were places with water flowing that I've never seen flowing from the rain before. The waterfall was intense, I suspect it seldom gets much bigger. Also, the reason the existing AT needs to be replaced was entirely apparent- some sections were literally flowing straight through. The places that go directly down the fall line were inundated and left nowhere to walk without stepping into 4 inches of water.

We put up tarps to work under over most of the sites that people were working at. In the morning the rain was constant but it did wax and wane in intensity. The rain actually did stop in the afternoon. The mountain was beautiful under the misty shroud, and the smell of wet leaves. The post rain beauty almost compensated for the cold wet pants and boots.

There was supposed to be a stone shaping workshop, however it was cancelled due to the weather. One of the participants did decide to come out though and volunteer with us. Hormoz Kheirabi seemed to have had a lot of fun and worked with Dan on the section of wall that he has been building. Hormoz also came out on Sunday to work as well. Also on Sunday, Andy Helyk came out. He helped to set up some new rigging and then bring some rocks down to build some stairs. Also out helping us was Sarah Heidenreich and Will Stark.

A lot of work is getting done out here- I hope you all find a chance to come out and work soon! Its amazing to see the progress!

Also, don't forget to bring water. Save your empty jugs, clean them out and fill with potable water for the Crew- their water has been turned off.