Tuesday Workday
We went out to the mountain on Tuesday. We had three different project pieces going on. Steve was working on some rock shaping down the trail from the work site's toolboxes and tarp. I was working on quarrying some rocks with Roland, he was on the winch and I was on the belay rope. Brian and Christine were working on finishing up a crib wall that needed to be redone. Eddie was hopping around from group to group, as always.
I really enjoyed using the highline. There's something really neat about being able to hoist huge rocks high in the air w/ relatively little effort. I think I enjoy it more then rock shaping myself. I'll have to get in on some of those rigging workshops (how about you? sign up!).
Around 10:00, the Rockland County Americorp representative, Kathy, came with Heidi (volunteer coordiator) to check out the worksite and take some pictures and to watch out Americorp interns in action. She seemed to really enjoy seeing us work.
Eddie, Roland and Steve all left around lunch time. At that point I had to find something else to do down there as I obviously couldn't run the highline by myself. I worked a little bit at trying to find another rock to fit on a tricky rock with a roundish shape. I was a bit unsuccessful in finding the right one yet, I sure hope we didn't pick a bad base rock! I also worked a little on changing to slope in one place, so as to be closer to the desired 10% grade of the trail. Brian and Christine finished up their wall and then headed over to work some more on the shelves in the toolshed. Anyone like carpentry?
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