Bear Mountain Trails Project

The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference is rebuilding the Appalachian Trail over Bear Mountain in NY state. This blog will help keep our volunteers and members informed on the work being completed!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Work other then trail building

Since my last entry, we haven't done any trail work exactly, but that doesn't mean we haven't been busy!

Some of the office things I have been working on was finding contact information for local High Schools to get more younger people out here working with us. Lets hope we get some volunteers!

On the mountain, Brian and Christine have been working on the shelves in the tool shed, and a volunteer, Vic went out one day to continue working on the shelves as well.

On friday, I went and GPSed the new AT up until the Perkins drive cul du sac, so that we can get a better idea of how the trail looks and possibly put it onto a real map. I had a tough morning getting satellites but after the first hour and a half I was getting a good signal and it went pretty well. GPSing is fun when it works well. If you are interested in GPSing, some of the North New Jersey trails need some GPS work done so feel free to call us and ask us about it.

On Saturday, with all its beautiful, breezy, non humidness, Christine, Brian and I went and did a survey of the hikers around Bear Mountain. We wanted to know how many people who hiked were really knowledgeable about hiking and the trails. It was intereresting, and certainly a good day to be sitting outside! At some point we will compile the data and hopefully post it up here. It wasn't the most scientific of surveys, but it helped guage what the visitors might want.

have a great week!



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